(12 minutes reading time)
This page is continuously updated with new content.
Step One: Nine-Day Exploration Journey
Discover the togetherness of a shared-LOVE community with interwoven romantic, and/or sensual, and/or friendly relationships.
- Safely open yourself to new concepts that may be outside your preconditioned mental box. Overcome the old concepts of LOVE that we’ve learned from the fairy tale society.
- Acknowledge your personal fears, uncertainties and doubts in the safe space of our emotional sharing circles.
- Through playfulness, intuition, emotional release, trust building, and giving allowances and boundaries with each participant we establish a network of heartfelt connections with each other.
For singles as well as for couples who want to expand their LOVE in a safe way. Come home with a new understanding and feeling of how you want to live and LOVE in the future.
spring and summer 2025 (multiple options)
Tenerife, Canary Islands
How many people?
three to nine
Your contribution:
This is a nonprofit project. We ask you to contribute between 30 and 90 EUR per day for food, accommodation and workshop sessions, based on how you feel and how it fits into your personal income situation. There are no other hidden fees. Your pre-payment of at least 50% at least three weeks before the community experience is needed to reserve your place and to create a beautiful and safe space. For last minute options please get in touch (no guarantee).
Vegan with vegetarian options, no alcohol
If you would like to intensify your experience and feel the energies better, you may consider fasting for a few days. We can help and support you in this.
We suggest sharing the sleeping space together. If you feel strongly that you need your own space for some nights, there are several options.
No smoking on the property.
Typical daily routine:
9:00 to 10:00 – breakfast
10:00 to 12:00 – theory and practice of community and relationship vision, emotional sharing circles
13:00 to 15:00 – lunch and siesta
15:00 to 17:00 – exercises or joint activities
18:00 to 19:00 – dinner
after 19:00 Uhr – joint or individual free time
Optional Activities:
Morning stretching, nature walks, ecstatic dance, hugging meditations, music jams, tarot cards, energy healing, and whatever activities the participants are able to offer the group (arts & crafts, impro theatre, bodywork,…)
Joint Assistance
We will ask everyone to take turns helping with daily tasks such as water, tea, fruit and snacks, basic cleaning and organisation, food preparation, washing up, emotional support, writing about our group experiences and processes, watering the plants. On the last day we will clean the common area together.
Hugs and Cuddles
In our “modern” world, we have unlearned the importance and the amazing healing powers of prolonged hugs and caring physical closeness with each other. Many are afraid of it. Let’s find playful and intuitive ways to safely open up again.
(Read more: Hooray, I Am Human!)
Safety and Consent
There is nothing that you have to do that you don’t want to do. Sometimes it is beautiful to overcome our comfort zones and fears. The group energy can support you in this if you feel ready for it, but it needs your intuitive check-in with your heart if this feels safe and right in that moment. There will be a safety signal, like a stop button, that you can use at any time and we will respond to your needs or concerns.
Group Dynamics and Challenges
Each soul should feel comfortable leaving the shared experience if they don’t feel it is in line with their personal path of growth. We will all do our best to keep the group together in a beautiful, loving atmosphere. When challenges arise, we face them together. If someone does not feel connected to the group atmosphere, or if the whole group does not feel comfortable with someone, we would share our feelings and suggest possible solutions together.
Extending Your Stay
As friendships and relationships develop, some participants may want to find out whether a shared living arrangement can work together in the long term. If you are curious, you might be able to extend your stay for a while and see what develops.
Let’s stay open and talk about it when the time comes, but it could mean allowing the possibility of postponing your journey home. Things may shift into the right direction when it feels right for everyone.
How to Book?
This community experience is not open for regular bookings. You will need to apply to take part so that we can create a safe space and ensure that we are all on the same page. Please write or send a voice message, and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions:
Telegram or Whatsapp:
+49 173 853 2668 (Nils)
Read more:
Step Two: Six Weeks Community Experience
Live in a shared-LOVE community to support each other as we move into higher frequencies.
The Sanuela Living Community is a loving and nurturing environment for growth and healing, based on the visions of www.sanuela.org, my intuitively written books of recent years, and new personal facets and perspectives that the community members bring to the shared space.
As well as finding community and togetherness, the aim is to help each other to open our hearts much wider than would be possible on our own, and to reach and maintain higher frequencies of consciousness in shared group experiences.
We focus on coming into physical, mental and emotional purity and harmony with ourselves, Gaia and the other community members or guests. We improve our astral awareness and astral tingling, share hugging meditations and closeness in a way that feels comfortable and safe for everyone.
Our regular Emotional Growth Circles provide a safe space for sharing and healing, and in our Practical Growth Circles we integrate spiritual practises into everyday life. We can create ceremonies with various themes, like honouring Gaia (Mother Earth), cleansing and letting go of negative energies, finding our centre, raising our frequencies, opening our hearts, forgiveness, balancing our yin and yang, or sharing our energetic healing energies with one another.
LOVE and sacred sensuality are welcomed and there is space for a natural network of relationships to form a new way of living, growing and loving together.
Depending on the needs and wishes of the 3-5 (?) initial community members, we could either choose to stay more on our own and share the cost of renting the living space, or we could already invite retreat guests into this growth experience who would contribute financially to their stay and provide a first community income.
When the community feels grounded and balanced, guests may come on a regular basis to support the community and to learn about new ways of communicating, sharing and loving. Some may decide to start similar living projects afterwards, which could lead to the creation of online and live courses on how to do this.
Step Three: After the first few weeks of testing what works well, where mistakes are allowed and seen as an important opportunity for growth, the core group may decide to continue this new living experience and find a more permanent space, on Tenerife, La Palma or perhaps somewhere else?
Some Key Focus Areas
🌻 We can learn new levels of honesty, trust and balance to connect more deeply with each other and find greater fulfilment and wholeness.
🌻 We can share our fears, anxieties and burdens and then release them.
🌻 We can find ways of accepting and embracing the diversity of each other’s complementary perspectives, even if they are sometimes on opposing levels. These are often the areas where the greatest growth is possible.
🌻 We can learn to continuously forgive each other on a deep level, so that we can live in balance and deep, trusting harmony with each other.
🌻 We can free ourselves from the ingrained restrictive chains and beliefs about our relationships and let our LOVE breathe while feeling more connected, supported and balanced than before.
🌻 We can practise daily self-discovery and self-LOVE by openly expressing our desires and needs while letting go of the expectation that someone has to fulfil them. This will bring us into a high frequency LOVE state and open us to the magic of loving sharing.
🌻 We can learn how to improve our personal balance between closeness and distance, so that we always feel fully ourselves and in our full power and strength when giving and sharing with each other.
🌻 We can practise breath work to step into astral tingling, guiding all our energies into our hearts.
🌻 We can celebrate many different forms of hugging meditations with heart chakra breathing, perhaps the quickest way to open our hearts and connect and communicate with all our chakras.
🌻 We can learn how to feel the astral tingling energies and how to work and heal with them intuitively. We can open up to feel each other’s energies and find more joy and connection in shared closeness than before.
🌻 We can be connected in silence, feeling ourselves, each other and the unity of us all as one energetic LOVE being. We can experience all these three perspectives at the same time and find our own personal Holy Trinity.
🌻 We can be creative and have fun together with spontaneous jam sessions and dancing around the campfire, singing, laughing and being silly, going on adventurous hikes together, …
🌻 Let’s feed ourselves healthy and overcome physical and mental addictions and cravings. We can also practise fasting together which will greatly enhance the astral tingling during the times of closeness.
Let’s talk and see if our wishes, visions and needs are in line with this experience! Telegram or WA me: +49 173 853 2668.
With LOVE,

42 Basic Human Needs
Play an intuitive game: What three words stand out to you at this moment in your life? And what do you miss the most at the moment?
- Read the blog article about this list
- Take the free mini-course: 11 Steps to LOVE Abundance

Sharing in Sanuela
Regular sharing circles with balanced Yin and Yang energies:

LOVE in Sanuela
How do you want to live and experience LOVE within a small family-like community?

Conscious Relationships

Allowing LOVE

About Me

Born as the youngest in a family of psychologists and pedagogues, I strongly felt drawn to the more unconventional paths of learning and discovering my abilities, gifts, and passions. I quit the school system early and preferred to spend three years in the Ananda Assisi community, initiated as a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) by a direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda.
After three years of community, meditation time and inner development, I followed love and adventure, and was drawn into the maelstrom of the “modern” world. I learned how to drink and party, how to become addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle, and how to become either burned out or depressed as a result. In some long relationships, I loved my partners, endured both love and suffering; experienced all which life had to offer.
I experienced business life in its various phases – ups and downs, different directions and goals – designing advertisements, logos, or websites, bringing people together, making professional videos. I also studied and practised hypnotherapy and relaxation therapy practices, producing my own library of guided imagery and audio meditations; more than 80 titles are available in German.
On the beautiful island of Tenerife, I re-connected with my spiritual needs.
While programming apps for meditation and relaxation, I consulted various shamanic guides, participated in ceremonies with and without traditional shamanic plant medicine, engaged in cleansing and transformational rituals, and attended many retreats in complete darkness.
Right at the start of The Big Change in 2020, I was contacted by my spirit guides. They knocked three times at my door, quite literally: I found small pieces of wood on three successive days in my food, and wondered how to interpret that, if this was all a half-awakened dream universe.
I found out I’m not alone. I can communicate and, more importantly, love my spirit guides. They are part of me and I feel one with them. Just like me, you also have at least two spirit guides. Until now, my guides have never given me wrong information. We trust each other and love each other.
As for my daily life, I strive to live a fairly regular life – writing a lot. I also enjoy the wonderful nature of Tenerife. A few years ago, I was gifted a sailing licence course and I adore taking pictures, meaningful conversations, creating art…
Through my intuitive writing, I learn and evolve. I ask questions and receive answers that surprise me again and again, even though I know the answers are coming from the same central well of cosmic knowledge that I feel within myself. So, writing often feels like remembering to me.
I experienced and wrote about chakra healing, kundalini, astral energies, other-dimensional experiences, shamanic ceremonies, conscious and sacred sensuality, and how to work through the inner processes on the spiritual path; such as fears or emotional pains.
For myself, I found that there is one formula that surpasses all: LOVE. When love is present, then multidimensional healing and growth follow.
Download this vision as a PDF: Sanuela Community